PLAIN Design-Build is an architectural collective that creates buildings from renewable resources of wood.
PLAIN promotes all types of timber construction, ranging from advanced forms of engineered lumber to small-scale forestry and local fabrication. Renewable resources include undesirable trees discarded by insect borer infestations or the by-product of forest fire fuel mitigation. Our projects support material flows that sequester carbon and reduce the embodied energy of construction. Our buildings establish circular economies by learning from vernacular forms of architecture and regional forestry ecosystems. We empower students through a co-creative educational model of experienced-based learning and hands-on construction.

PLAIN Design Build announces the completion of BLIND, a 130 sq. ft “observation blind” for viewing the unique cohabitation behaviour of prairie dogs, burrowing owls and rattlesnakes.

COA Associate Professor Jason Griffiths has received a Nebraska Environmental Trust grant to build The Eastern Redcedar Design-Build Microdwelling cabin (The Mizer’s Ruin)

PLAIN Design-Build presents XX-LAM – The architecture of curved, cross-laminated timber in a Nine Square Grid.

XX-LAM explores the spatial and structural possibilities of curved, cross-laminated
The Mizer’s (Eastern Redcedar Design-Build Microdwelling) recieves an award from
In October of 2020 Jason Griffiths was interviewed for the
Jason Griffiths and College of Architecture – University of Nebraska-Lincoln
BAXA Cabin / Jason Griffiths and College of Architecture –
Emerge / Jason Griffiths and College of Architecture – University
Great Plains CLT market Development through Architectural Education – U.S.
Emerge awarded a 2017 Regional Excellence in Wood Design Award
Ashed Community Orchard Facility opening featured on the Siouxland News.